Web3 Development in 2023: 5 New Smart Contract Tools


In 2023, both small, in-depth tools and major hubs for Web3 development are growing with an influx of new projects.

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  1. Codeslaw: Search and Compare Smart Contracts
  2. Zenland: Decentralized escrow with no coding required
  3. Chainlink Smart Contract SDK
  4. Ignitions: Curated Smart Contract Solutions
  5. Tenderly: Leading Ethereum Development Platform

A smart contract is an explicit instruction to the blockchain to produce a set of transactions. This includes issuing NFTs, trading them, staking them for a period of time, exchanging tokens, or moving tokens between networks.

Smart contracts are one of the biggest risks and may require detailed auditing. As the Web3 project grows rapidly, building efficient smart contracts is in great demand. More off-the-shelf solutions are emerging, some of which are prioritized in the market for his Web3 tools. Play2Moon has selected the best smart contract building tools for Web3 developers.

Codeslaw: Search and Compare Smart Contracts

Codeslaw is a tool curated by Alchemy, one of the top Web3 hubs for off-the-shelf solutions. Codeslaw is a tool for Solidity developers with experience in the Ethereum ecosystem.

Codeslaw provides searchable tools for integrated smart contracts on the Ethereum ecosystem. Codeslaw specifically targets the search for contracts embedded in other contracts while tracking token issues and his current Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIP). Codeslaw is part of a long list of Alchemy tools that look at specific aspects of smart contracts.

Zenland: No-Coding Decentralized Escrow

Zenland provides an off-the-shelf alternative to escrow smart contracts. Zenland tools are available on multiple chains including Avalanche, Ethereum, Arbitrum, BNBChain, Polygon and Optimism.

Zenland is a tool for any app that accepts payments and needs a secure escrow mechanism. Web3 onboarding is more secure as you don’t have to create a new smart contract to hold your funds for each individual project. Zenland provides pre-written smart contracts based on project specifications.

Chainlink Smart Contract SDK

The Chainlink toolset is one of the go-to hubs for Web3 developers. ChainLink recently released a multi-chain tool for Web3 apps and hopes to get developers involved. ChainLink is one of the largest providers of blockchain tools, starting with oracles and random number services. ChainLink has already partnered with several of his existing Web3 games and is now looking to onboard new apps.

ChainLink is a hub for building ad hoc smart contracts that connect to events outside the blockchain. ChainLink provides SDKs and tools for creating a form of hybrid smart contracts that capture external events and computations and automate on-chain transactions. ChainLink smart contracts are commonly used in DeFi where data on price action is key. ChainLink also provides price feeds for its internal game NFT marketplace.

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Ignitions: Curated Smart Contract Solutions

Ignitions is a tiered paid ecosystem for Web3 onboarding, offering faster app deployment. Ignitions aims to add direct packages of NFTs, in-game items, and other blockchain digital features after discussions with individual projects.

Ignitions is a newly created hub for Web3 onboarding with curated paid packages to add the latest Web3 tools. Part of the Ignitions package includes a Web3 microservice for linking Web2 accounts. Ignitions does not target independent developers directly, but offers off-the-shelf solutions and team consultations.

Tenderly: Leading Ethereum Development Platform

Tenderly is one of the platforms that provides Web3 gateways and tools for developers to test Ethereum functionality. Tenderly also has a dedicated smart contract debugger, aimed at experienced teams who want to build smart contracts from scratch.

Tenderly provides in-depth research with tools for estimating gas prices for all contract features. The Tenderly environment also has a smart contract simulator for testing transactions and their effects before sending them to the mainnet.

In-depth tools allow Web3 developers to test for flaws and scenarios using historical data collected from the blockchain. Tenderly also has built-in live smart contract alerts to track on-chain data and anomalous events.

Smart contracts are often only launched after a detailed audit. The Tenderly tool also offers command room scenario testing to prevent hacks and exploits.
There is still no uniform standard for creating smart contracts, but in 2023 more platforms are integrating existing tools.

Smart contracts now exist on multiple blockchains, leveraging not only Solidity, but JavaScript, Rust, Python, and C#. More tools are coming in 2023 to build communities and provide free or paid help to your team.

Web3 is now beyond the stage of a speculative deal and the finished product project seeks to provide a quality end-user experience and seamless ownership. Even without the token and NFT hype, building Web3 continues to show signs of growth and evolution into new forms of collectible ownership and participation in the game through DAO voting.

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