Ubisoft is “Still in Research Mode” with Web3 and NFTs

According to Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot, the company is exploring all emerging technologies, including Web3.

Ubisoft is reviewing all of the Web3 capabilities

In a recent interview with Games Industry Biz, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot shared that his company is still in “research mode” when it comes to Web3 and NFTs. He also spoke about the company’s adoption of blockchain technology and the challenges that come with it.

“We’re really looking at all the new technologies. We’re very focused on cloud computing, on the next generation of virtual reality, and we’re looking at all the Web3 capabilities,” Guillemot said in the interview.

“We’ve tested some things recently that have given us more information about how it can be used and what we should be doing in the video game space. So we’re testing the ground with some games and we’ll see if they really meet the needs of the players. But we’re still in research mode, I would say.”

Last December, Ubisoft took a bold step by adding NFTs or “numbers” to Ghost Recon: Breakpoint. However, the move received repeated backlash from Web2 players who saw NFTs as a cash grab that had a negative impact on the environment. Since then, the French video game giant has kept quiet about its Web3 plans until now.

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“As a company, we got into VR early, we got into Wii early – we always try new things. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, but it’s always about making sure we can bring innovative and interesting new experiences to players,” Guillemot added.

“The company’s goal is always to create the best experience possible, and new technology is always good for that because there is less competition and people are more interested in trying new things with new technology.”

To clarify, Guillemot says exploration doesn’t mean launch. Emerging technologies like Web3 may not seem so promising at first. But according to the CEO, “they’ll eventually find the right approach.”

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