Catalysts are an ERC-1155 token, so holders can freely trade them on external markets. Catalysts are a replacement for Gems. Players can use Catalysts to mint Assets. The level of the Catalyst used determines the rarity of the minted Asset. If the Asset is flagged as equipment, then the owner will also receive points to distribute on the item’s attributes! This ranges from four points for a legendary item, to zero points for a common. The asset minter can choose to distribute attribute points between Power, Defence, and Speed.
On December 14th, The Sandbox will airdrop Catalysts to all landowners. Distribution based on a snapshot taken on December 11th.
In addition, any land owner who completes the Season’s Greeting Event can earn Catalysts. This event runs until January 22nd and is open to everyone. Aside from the Catalyst prizes for landowners, there is also 600k SAND split between three pools available for anyone who can earn 200 points in this event before it ends. And, like all major events in The Sandbox, you will need to have completed a KYC process in order to claim the rewards.
If you need a land plot, you can pick up a pre-owned lot on third party markets, or try your luck in the raffle for the upcoming Bharatverse land sale!
What is The Sandbox?
The Sandbox is a collection of virtual experiences, each one created and customized by the plot owner. The Sandbox ecosystem continues to grow by leaps and bounds. They’ve reached a point where they constantly have at least one or more play and earn events ongoing. Along the way, The Sandbox has made over 700 partnerships, many of them building their own Sandbox experiences! And with lots of big names among them like Atari, Snoop Dogg, Warner Music, and more!
The Sandbox includes land NFTs, for building out game experiences, Asset NFTs, for using on land plots, and Avatar NFTs, equippable game characters that also sometimes open up access to special contests and rewards.
To learn more about The Sandbox, read our complete Sandbox Review and guide here. You can also visit their website, follow them on Twitter, and join their Discord server.