Sunflower Land Prepares for Goblin War on September 5

Sunflower Land remains a grass-roots farming game, though with still limited earnings on its P2E profile.

  • Sunflower Land brings regular small updates to keep players engaged.
  • 800 new farms minted from new 1,000 batch offered in August.
  • SFL token stabilized at $0.05.

The next teaser from Sunflower Land reveals the coming of Goblin Wars, a new feature that may be added to the game on September 5. The regular updates and farming mechanisms keep Sunflower Land among the top games in terms of monthly player count on Polygon.

The game is still having some troubles with the stability of earnings and the value of SFL, but the team remains dedicated to building. Sunflower Land is a model for more upcoming farming games with a P2E component. 

Sunflower Land is also expecting more exposure for its native SFL token, as QuickSwap is seeking new projects to offer liquidity mining. Sunflower Land reached the finals on voting, and is competing for the top spot based on its community voting.

SFL stabilized around $0.05 after its recent slide, and the asset is still in a long-term bearish trend. Liquidity mining would have its risks, as SFL would require a deposit of the additional base pair currency. 

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Sunflower Land is still dependent on Polygon, but its pricing to mint a farm or export assets is not dependent on MATIC. Instead, all fees for the game are payable in USDC on the Polygon blockchain. 

Sunflower Land Keeps Up User Count

The game still attracts more than 8.37K users per day, with relative stability and predictability. The biggest source of on-chain activity is interaction with farms which are represented by NFT on the Polygon blockchain. The game last reported around 83.5K players per month, lining up as the top 3 app on Polygon and among the top 50 most played P2E games.

Around 800 of the newly offered 1,000 farms have been minted, with 150.8K farms in total and the potential for a new NFT expansion. Sunflower Land keeps the rule of one farm per account and tries to limit and ban multi-wallet farming and bot activity.

Farm NFT prices have fallen to 0.0027 ETH in the mass case, with few rare offers or big-ticket deals. This pushed down the value locked within the game. Most players remain dedicated due to the game’s mechanics, though its P2E earnings remain relatively low.

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