Season 1 of Axie Infinity: Origins is here

This season has a larger prize pool than season 0 and upgraded shows and events.

Origins Season 1

Axie infinity has launched Origins Season 1 with a total prize pool of 112,000 AXS, twice the prize pool of Season 0. In addition, the leaderboard has been expanded from 20,000 to 40,000, with a $90,000 prize for first place. In addition to the prize pool bonuses, players who reach Chick IV will receive a ‘GG’ sticker; the top 20,000 will receive a Plant-Axe avatar, while the top 1,000 will each receive a Pomodoro avatar.

The game has undergone a number of updates to improve player performance and activity while playing. Players are given a special chest as they work their way through the crafting levels. When they open the chest, they will choose from several set runes/runes. The supply of mystical runes/runes will also determine the player’s level-up bonus. While lifting runes/runes gives less moon share, those players who remain active in their season will receive the same income as before.

Axie Infinity: Origins Soon to Wrap Up Season 1, Distribute AXS Prize Pool

The season is now 60 days long and will affect the pace and progression on the leaderboards. Players will receive Epic Runes/Runes early to maintain the prestige of Mystic Runes/Runes.

Balancing Patch, RPS, And New Roadmap

Axie Infinity will also be deploying a balancing patch in the next two weeks. Via a blog post, Axie said.

“We want to get right into Season 1 after AxieCon, which means we don’t have the opportunity to deploy the patch in the off-season or at the start of the season, but trust that this two-week notice will help everyone plan their Season 1 marketing campaigns accordingly.”

Before the battle begins, players will play a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors (RPS), with the winner choosing first or second. AxieCon shared details of the Origins roadmap, which includes upgrades, contests, accessories and other developments.

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