Phantasma Chain Expands Web3 Toolset with AI

Fantasma offers a new blockchain with an overhauled NFT standard, offering configurable, nested, time-limited NFTs.

  • Phantasma Chain takes games with complex NFT concepts and provides a smart NFT standard.
  • The Phantasma Chain also aims to bring in content creators and independent filmmakers.
  • The niche blockchain offers mint-on-demand as each asset is created or purchased in-game.

Phantasma Chain is one of the relatively latecomers, having announced a toolset for Web3 builders last month. Phantasma Chain is now demonstrating its evolution with a new approach to building blockchain-powered apps.

Phantasma Chain recently hosted one of its first semi-idle games, Ghost Festival. The game offers a glimpse into the capabilities of a relatively niche chain that services game projects.

Phantasma Chain also focuses on NFT opportunities and technology to create and launch collections.

Phantasma Targets Developers, Content Creators

Phantasma Chain aims to be one of the solutions for developers of all levels by offering special events and trainings. In addition to onboarding more builders, Phantasma Chain is also introducing infrastructure for content creation.

One of the goals is to allow the production of niche video and independent films where rights can be retained. Phantasma Chain also offers a smart NFT standard for secure Web3 ownership. In addition to tool building, Phantasma Chain covers the entire app lifetime, from funding to launch.

Star Atlas Release Gameplay Foundations

Smart NFTs provide the ability to modify content while maintaining an on-chain record of ownership. This creates evolving items with more potential value compared to collections of fixed images.

Phantasma Chain itself evolves the NFT standard and is different from other blockchains and standard fixed content NFTs. Niche blockchains are now forming partnerships to help create new types of collections.

The Phantasma Chain NFT is configurable. In other words, one NFT can consist of different parts. For example, a craftable item in your game could also have all components as NFTs. This feature has been tested in 22 Racing Series games, and his NFT for each car is made up of parts, all of which are fully tradeable.

Phantasma Chain is also offering NFTs for a limited time. This works as a limited-time game pass or as a special event or subscription. The chain also offers Mint on Demand, which creates NFTs only at the time of purchase rather than minting the entire collection ahead of time. Phantasma’s infrastructure also includes nested NFTs and various forms of writing and decrafting.

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