Pegaxy proposes Community Treasury

Players can decide whether or not to introduce this update by visiting the Themis voting platform and using their $PGX Governance Token to vote. One of the proposed proposals is to raise the market commission to 10%.

The Pegaxy team submits proposals on the Themis voting platform, proposing the introduction of community treasury.

This treasury was one of the updates discussed by CEO Corey during the Pega Insider #7 livestream and was due to be added about a year after the race started game. So the developer will post the proposal on his Themis, explain what the solution would look like, and use the $PGX governance token to vote on it to the player base to decide whether to go ahead with the idea gave me the opportunity to Voting for him will begin on November 11th and end on November 17th.

This proposal is the team’s first pitch to Community Treasury, proposing an increase in market fees from 3% to 10%. Of this 10%, 1% goes to the optional Creator Code, 2% goes to the Community Treasury, or if there is no code, 3% goes to the Treasury, and the remaining 7% to cover development costs is assigned to

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Apart from raising the market fee, another solution proposed by the team is to remit all $PGX fees to the Treasury. This means that all $PGX used for features such as fusion, breeding, etc go to the community treasury instead of going to the community treasury. Blockchain Studio, Mirai Lab.

At the time of writing, 81.05% are in favor of the proposal and 18.95% are against it. For more information, and if you would like to vote using your $PGX tokens, please visit our proposal page here.

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