NFT Worlds Unveils MetaFab, a Gaming API for Web3 Technologies

MetaFab contains contracts to help developers integrate their products into web3 technologies.

MetaFab Helps Developers with Web3 Technologies

The dev team behind NFT Worlds has unveiled a set of tools called MetaFab. MetaFab is a free, open-source web3 gaming API to help developers incorporate their content into Web3 technologies.

The product is a series of contracts accessible through API calls. MetaFab is not a newly-invented technology but has existed as part of NFT Worlds. It is expected to simplify the player onboarding experience and help developers build wallets. After the reboot process for NFT Worlds, the dev team expanded the toolkit to make it more encompassing yet free. This is to attract developers to join the community and collaborative projects.

MetaFab offers several Suite Development Kits (SDKs) such as Java, Javascript, Python, Rust, Android, and others.

The game team said,

“We’ve taken everything we’ve proven that works to frictionlessly acquire players to our own crypto-games and made it available for anyone to use, for free. The hundreds to thousands of hours its collectively taken us to build the same infrastructure and systems that MetaFab now offers out of the box, you can get up and running within minutes. MetaFab is what we wish we had when we started.”

Utilities of MetaFab

The contracts in MetaFab include methods that can be used to send currencies to players and create new currencies and players. They can also help create NFT collections and build smart contracts. In addition, the transactions have no attached gas fees, making them attractive to players and developers.

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At the moment, MetaFab has two contracts under development. The first is for items such as NFTs and includes features such as item update, upgrade, burning, supply queries, and other important stuff. The other contract is the Merchant contract, which helps buy and sell game items with native tokens and other in-game cryptocurrencies.

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