Multi-IP Blockchain Racing Game PetaRush Kicks Off 2nd Closed Beta Test

Players can participate in a series of events to win USDT, NFTs, whitelist spots for the game’s next NFT sale, and more.

Get ready to win and earn from PetaRush’s Closed Beta 2 events

PetaRush, the world’s first multi-IP blockchain racing game, has launched its second closed beta on Android and iOS devices. The team has prepared a series of events where players can earn his USDT, NFTs, PT coupons, whitelisted spots for his next PetaRush NFT sale, and more.

Developed by METASENS, PetaRush is an NFT racing game featuring fashionable 3D animal characters as race runners. Gameplay is similar to classic Mario Kart. However, instead of controlling the direction of the avatar, players can strategically use their skills to reduce stamina consumption, increase running speed, and confuse opponents to win races.

The closed beta will begin on December 19th and will run until February 1st, 2023. Every two weeks represents one racing season, for a total of three seasons. Players can participate with or without an NFT. However, only those playing Peta NFT can earn gameplay rewards. and are Supposedly Forging Proof of Reserves

According to the announcement, this closed beta will unlock the Peta Token Qualifier, which allows NFT holders to earn tokens. It has two modes for him, ‘Winner Takes All’ and ‘Play to Earn’, suitable for players with different goals and playstyles.

During the event, the player’s total petapoints and ranking will be automatically updated on the leaderboard. The top 20 players with the most petahi points will receive $MSU tokens and his NFT prizes:

Multi-IP Blockchain Racing Game PetaRush Launches Second Closed Beta Test

Multi-IP Blockchain Racing Game PetaRush Launches Second Closed Beta Test

Multi-IP Blockchain Racing Game PetaRush Launches Second Closed Beta Test

Notably, this closed beta is the final test before the game goes live in Q1 2023. At launch, players will be given the option to play with external NFT avatars such as the PhantaBear and Demi-Holim NFTs.

Until then, there are plenty of other ways players can earn in this game. Here is the full list of PetaRush closed beta events and prizes.

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