Metarun Launches PvE Game Challenge with Daily Prizes Worth Up to $100

Top runners can either walk away with crypto rewards in USDT or NFT tickets to access a closed beta version of Metarun.

Win up to $100 per day in Metarun’s daily PvE game challenge

With Closed Beta Part 2 going on right now, Metarun has launched a daily PvE game challenge for the best players to earn more. The ongoing challenge will run for a month until September 16th, before the game’s public launch on September 20th. 

All users need to do is to play Metarun’s PvE mode and be one of the top 3 scorers on the leaderboard. Throughout the challenge, players can win daily prizes worth up to $100 or NFT tickets that provide earning power up to $105 in the Closed Beta. 

Since the second Closed Beta will last until August 31st, Metarun will give out NFT tickets to winners every day between August 17th and August 21st. These NFT tickets will grant you access to the Beta game, with different earning caps as below: 

  • 1st place – Golden NFT ticket with the total Win reward of $105.
  • 2nd place – Silver NFT ticket with the total Win reward of $70.
  • 3rd place – Bronze NFT ticket with the total Win reward of $42.
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Starting from August 22nd, the daily prizes will switch to USDT, covering the top 10 players as follows:

  • 1st place – $50 USDT
  • 2nd place – $30 USDT
  • 3rd place – $20 USDT
  • 4th-10th places – $10 USDT each

If you are up for the challenge, you can download the game to your Android or iOS devices per this guide. 

Nonetheless, Metarun is the first P2E endless mobile runner game on the BNB chain. With a Temple Run vibe to it, the NFT title allows players to earn virtual currency OPAL by playing PvP and PvE game modes. Users can then convert OPAL tokens to get $MRUN, the game’s utility token, to upgrade NFT characters or buy in-game items at a discount. 

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