Meta Apes Adds New Property to NFTs Fighters

This property classifies apes into senior and nascent NFTs, the latter of which will have a protection period in the new server.

The ‘Age’ Property

Meta Apes has added a new property to its NFT warriors. Age, the latest feature that shows the age of any NFT and divides them into two. Advanced and Newborn.

It will be available in the upcoming Blind Box campaign for new NFT warriors. Advanced NFTs are NFTs that have been around for a long time and have been trained for at least a month. As such, they have a higher level and skill set and are more powerful than newborn NFTs.

Freshman NFTs are recently minted NFTs that have not been trained for up to one month. To distinguish between Freshman NFTs and Advanced NFTs, the former will display a four-leaf clover on the Meta Apes marketplace.

The game also introduces a new server with a 30-day protection period. During this period, only newborn NFTs will be allowed on the server. after the protection period ends, premium NFTs will be allowed in order to achieve fairness and equality in the game. In addition, during the protection period, players will not be able to transfer their newborn NFTs to the old server to train them. Instead, newborn NFTs will be automatically converted to premium NFTs after the protection period ends.

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Details of Meta Apes

Meta Apes is a BNB chain project that works on the BNB Application Sidechain (BAS). It is a P2E online game with a post-apocalyptic setting where apes rule over a world that once belonged to humans.

Each ape has a clan and the challenge is to dominate other apes and lay claim to vast territories in space. Players can use their characters to build cities and armies, participate in PvP and PvP games, collaborate with teammates on strategy, and explore the land for resources to sustain their armies.

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