Madballs Partner with The Sandbox to Launch New Avatars and Gaming Experiences

The famous 80’s franchise comes to The sandbox, offering new collections and virtual events featuring the original Madball characters.

Get ready to meet your oh-so-ugly Madballs in The Sandbox metaverse

Madballs™, an iconic ’80s toy line known for its gross-out pop culture, has partnered with The Sandbox (TSB) to launch new playable avatars and virtual experiences.

First introduced in 1986, Madballs are a series of toy foam balls originally created by AmToy, a subsidiary of Cloudco Entertainment. Gross-out humor was incorporated into the balls, each with a character plot and a bizarre name (such as Screamin’ His Mummy and Throbulus.

According to The Sandbox, each avatar is based on an original Madballs character from the ’80s franchise with never-before-seen designs. These playable avatars have terrifying faces, grotesque names, and subversively funny demeanors. Built with unique randomly generated traits, each Madball boasts over 20 hand-crafted animations, providing an experience like never before in the sandbox metaverse.

“We have teamed up with Madballs to bring you a unique collection of 2023 playable voxel avatars with over 20 handcrafted character animations! You can choose from characters, each avatar bringing its own unique bounce to the game.Metaverse!” Wrote Sandbox.

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The Mint is scheduled for March 7th. Players can join the allowlist here:

As part of the collaboration, Madballs™ will launch a variety of in-game challenges in its newly acquired LAND that incorporate the brand’s subversive humor and gross-out elements. Each of these avatars offers unique perks and perks, including access to special reward pools during his multiplayer events. Speaking of which, his first Madball experience at TSB is scheduled to start on his March 21st.

Additionally, holders are eligible for NFT giveaways from time to time. In the first airdrop, every eligible owner will receive a wacky Madballs Madness paired with her virtual Madball avatar. If you haven’t seen it yet, check out the Madballs invasion below.

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