Kitsumon reveals Lands

So far, two land types based on polygonal NFT headings have been disclosed. Plains Biomes and Forest Biomes.

The team behind Kitsumon, a Polygon-based NFT game with features such as the MOBA game mode, has revealed two of the various different types of lands that will be available for players to explore in the game.

The first type of land revealed earlier this week is the most common one, that of the plains biomes. On these lands, which are filled with greenery, there are no positive or negative effects on the professions available in the game, such as farming, mining, cooking, and so on. The items that can be found on these lands are also balanced in quantity. Almost everything on these common lands is balanced, making them a great place for players to get started. There are no exclusive plants for these biomes, no exclusive crafting or alchemy quests, and no sixth level of mining, which only exists in the wastelands. More information about the Plains biome can be found here.

The other one revealed so far is the Forest Biome. Players who want to focus on the farming profession will want to stick to the forests, where there are a variety of different trees that can be cut down for wood used to craft items or heat. Rare creatures can also be found deep in the forest, some of which are friendly while others are not so friendly. Plants on the plots of the forest biome grow 5% faster, while all trees except magic trees grow 15% faster. There is even a special type of horse that can be kept in this type of biome. Those attempting to mine in this biome will be at a disadvantage, as the chance of extracting ore from the rock has been reduced by 5%. For more details, check out the official post here.

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Information on various other biomes will be revealed over time, with details on the next biome, presumably the desert biome, to be revealed on August 29.

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