Habbo X Alpha 2 Is Releasing on July 3rd

Habbo X Alpha 2 is set to release on Monday, July 3rd, introducing 3 new features: Furni Factories, NFTC gates, and a new navigation system.

The team behind Habbo X, a blockchain version of the classic online social game, has announced that Alpha 2 of this NFT title is set to release next week on Monday, July 3rd.

This open house event will feature various fun activities for players to enjoy, while trying out 3 “game-changing” features. These include Furni Factories, NFTC gates, and a new navigation system.

Furni Factories are exclusive crates for genesis Habbo X rooms. Through these special Furni Crates, which will be possible to generate every month, players will be able to acquire loads of unique items and crafting ingredients, thus bringing an “exciting supply and demand element to the gameplay experience.” Essentially, genesis rooms themselves become these factories for producing Furni Crates which contain NFT furni that will only be possible to get through these genesis rooms.

NFTC gates will make it possible for owners to charge other players a fee in NFTC, the core currency of the game’s ecosystem. This makes it possible for hosts of various activities to acquire more of the currency by charging it as an entry fee. However, in order to incentivize others to come to your activity, it will be possible to use a prize pool mode that will make it possible for entrants to earn NFTC if they end up being among the best for what you’re organizing, making it possible for players to show off their skills and earn some of the game’s currency in the process. For owners, it represents a great way to earn NFTC for their creative efforts, giving everyone a better opportunity to buy unique Habbo items which can in turn be traded for ETH.

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The new navigation system, also referred to as the Habbo X navigator, will be usable on the game’s official website and allow players “to deep link to rooms you select from there, much like you can with the rooms section on the Habbo website.” It will act as a map for players to use to move around the social blockchain title, as well as a tool for picking where your room will be.

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