Gala Music Announces Distribution Algorithm Upgrade:


Gala Music has announced an upgrade to its distribution algorithm known as V2. This new version takes into account listen numbers from other major platforms across all tiers of tracks, placing more emphasis on exclusive Gala Music tracks. This change is intended to more accurately reflect the track’s popularity outside the Gala Music ecosystem.

What Does V2 Mean for Artists and Listeners?

Gala Music, a platform that has contributed to the promotion of emerging artists, has announced an upgrade to its distribution algorithm. A new version, called V2, will take into account listening figures from other major platforms across all tiers of tracks, including Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.

This upgrade is designed to more accurately reflect the track’s popularity outside the Gala Music platform in track and node owner reward calculations. Songs that are popular outside the Gala Music ecosystem are likely to see an increase in distribution, while songs that are less popular may see a decrease.

How Does the New Distribution Algorithm Work?

Inclusion of Other Platforms: Previously, reward distribution was based on “listenings” and unique “listeners” on the Gala Music platform. V2 also considers “listen counts” from other major platforms.

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Increased Weighting of Exclusive Tracks: Gala Music’s permanent and temporary exclusive track listening numbers attract greater weighting, highlighting the platform’s commitment to unique content.

A Balanced Ecosystem: Gala Music is excited about its latest update, but we’ll keep an eye on how it performs with V2 of the ‘Popular Algorithm’. Adjustments will be made as necessary to maintain and expand the most fair and balanced ecosystem possible.

Future Plans

The V2 upgrade of Gala Music’s distribution algorithm marks an important step in the evolution of the platform. By taking into account listens from other platforms and placing more emphasis on exclusive tracks, Gala Music is aligned with broader music industry trends.

This change not only more accurately reflects the popularity of tracks, but also promotes a more balanced and fair ecosystem for both artists and listeners. This is more than just an algorithm upgrade. It’s a commitment to innovation, fairness, and continued support for the music world’s up-and-coming talent.

Gala Music’s V2 is more than just an update. It’s a statement of intent, demonstrating the platform’s adaptability and dedication to creating rewarding experiences for everyone involved.

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