Forest Knight Introduces New Hero & Features in Patch

Knights of the Forest patch includes a new hero called Damaratus, a Mythic Skin Shop, visual improvements, and more.

The Forest Knight team has announced the release of patch for their free-to-play turn-based RPG, introducing new heroes among a variety of new features and improvements.

The latest addition to the game’s ever-growing roster of heroes can be seen in the image above. He’s called Damaratus, and is mentioned in the patch notes as bringing “a vibe of mystery and power” and a “breathtaking Mythic skin” that resembles “his unique abilities.” Spartan’s special skill allows him to throw a spear that deals great damage while eradicating the first enemy and all enemies behind the first enemy he deals 50% damage.

In addition to the new heroes, the developers decided to introduce a Mythic skin line for the heroes of the game, introducing outstanding character models and icons along with unique visual and sound effects. These new Mythic Skins can now be purchased at Mythic Shops in town, giving you the option to preview various hero-his skin models and special packages. The first Mythic skin available is the Damaratus skin.

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Along with the launch of various Mythic skins, the graphics quality of the blockchain title will also be upgraded, improving not only the visual effects but also the overall visual quality. In addition to these graphical improvements, a user interface aimed at making it easier to find various announcements and events by adding a news panel where event information, notifications, patch notes, etc can be found in one place has undergone a design change.

The hero upgrade system has been revamped to be more responsive, so hero upgrade pricing should change seamlessly. For more details, be sure to check out the official patch notes here. Further detailed patch notes can be found on the game’s official Discord server.

Earlier this month, Season 2 of Forest Knight kicked off, with 250,000 $KNIGHT earned along with NFT rewards.

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