Flair SDK Offers 3D Onboarding and Builds Game Portfolio


  • The Flair SDK connects to top blockchains and provides tools for faster development.
  • This toolset helps create mints, allowlists, tokenization, and most Web3 features.
  • The Flair SDK is used by Metagates Online games.

The Flair SDK provides a Web3 building package marketed specifically for game producers. Flair can easily communicate with existing blockchains and onboard existing games to his Web3. Flair has been active since Q4 2022, making it a fully available toolset for new teams to try for free.

For 2023, the Flair SDK has been chosen as one of the powerful new toolsets that provide automation and standardized communication tools. The Flair SDK provides APIs and pre-built smart contracts for adding some of the most common Web3 features.


The Flair SDK provides both the ability to receive data from the blockchain and deploy the most popular smart contracts such as staking, voting and NFT rentals. All tools are compatible with the Ethereum virtual machine and work across blockchains. Flair currently supports 18 major blockchains that host most of the known games and apps.

Flair also offers additional services for onboarding new users, such as a Relayer API that allows projects to sponsor transactions with gas fees. The building tools also provide the infrastructure for creating permit lists and running the mint with fair distribution without gas warfare.

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Flair SDK Boosted by High-Profile Partnerships

Flair has already completed most of its partnerships and has exposed its capabilities through all well-known blockchains such as Aurora, Alchemy and Fuse. Flair has also been added to the top building tools of each high-profile blockchain.

So far Flair has been involved in the Metagates Online game, a project that does not have an experienced blockchain team.

Metagates Online is a fantasy-themed MMORPG with no player classes. The game’s quests and the ability to fulfill them are tied to the character’s equipment. Abilities carry over to weapons and armor.

The game team used Flair to create onboarding packages as well as wrapping all game items into NFTs as needed. Flair software also provides flexible smart contract building and creation of both NFTs and on-chain tokens to be used in-game.

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