Megacryptopolis has been slowly building towards their release of Mega World, a play and earn virtual world that uses the Megacryptopolis city as its base. The time for the initial launch arrives at the end of this month, with a special tour/preview happening on August 24th. Megacryptopolis, or MCP3D, is ready to emerge from it’s city-building simulation cocoon into a virtual world. The official release is slated for August 31st. But, on August 24th, 5pm UTC, Mega World releases Mega World Tour, a multiplayer tech demo that lets players experience Mega World and explore the city. This demo also includes a special test task. Players who complete the task receive an Alpha Ticket, providing early access to the official alpha launch. During the Tour, participants will get to experience new graphics and animations, redesigned vehicles, interact with other players, and use their Citizens as avatars. The Mega World Tour will also allow players to join, even if they don’t have a digital wallet! This last point is actually a pretty big deal and something that many other blockchain projects are aiming to achieve. Requiring players to set up a crypto wallet before playing a game has long been a major impediment to onboarding those who aren’t already familiar with blockchain technology. One of the important aspects of Mega World is the reboot of the MEGA token. Though MEGA began as just a token to facilitate resource swapping, it will be the primary token in Mega World. All in-game actions (aside from plot and district purchases), will require MEGA tokens on both the ETH and TRX networks. The new MEGA token launches on August 31st. Players will be able to swap out the old MEGA tokens for new ones at a 1 to 10 ratio (1 old token = 10 new tokens). Any staked balances or in-game MEGA will be automatically converted. The Megacryptopolis game (MCP3D) will go into maintenance mode from August 24th through August 31st. During that time, all in-game processes will be halted. So no worries about buildings falling into decay or the city burning down due to natural disasters. Once the maintenance mode completes on the 31st, MCP3D will re-launch, with a new economic model centered around the MEGA token.Mega World Tour and MEGA Token Reboot
What is Mega World?
Mega World is a virtual world resembling a modern city with streets, buildings, cars, etc. In this game, players can own Citizens, Pets, Land Plots, and even whole Districts. The basic game features players walking (or driving) around the city, completing tasks, and earning MEGA tokens. The game will be free to play, though completing some tasks requires owning a Citizen NFT.
For those who wish to be more invested, plot ownership allows players to create a variety of buildings from homes, to offices, to factories. Players can also choose to create a custom building on their plot. Buildings earn income in various ways, though they also require upkeep and have a chance to be hit by natural disasters. The players create most items in-game, including new Citizens.
The goal is to have a living city populated and built by the players. There are plenty of virtual worlds in various stages of release and development. But Mega World has a leg up in the fact that they already have an economic ecosystem and existing city as a foundation to build upon. Mega World release is planned for August 31st.