Derby Stars Launches on Mobile, Starting with Android Version

Derby Stars players can now enjoy the free-to-play horse racing metaverse on the go with the release of a mobile version that can be downloaded to Android devices as an APK file on the game’s official website.

The Derby Stars team has announced the release of a mobile version of its horse racing metaverse. We’ll start with the Android version, which you can download as an APK file from the game’s official website.

This means that players can enjoy the free-to-play alpha versions of blockchain titles on the go by installing the APK files that can be downloaded from the official website. After that, you will be able to play the game by connecting to your MetaMask wallet. The MetaMask app must be installed in order to sign the message granting access to the game.

In the future, the developer plans to release the game on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

Here are the minimum requirements for the current mobile version:

  • OS: Android 7.0 64bit or higher
  • CPU: 1.7 GHz or higher, 64-bit Arm compatible 8 cores or higher
  • RAM: 4GB or more
  • GPU: OpenGL ES 3.1+AEP 700MHz or higher
  • Display: 16:9 HD (720P) or higher
  • Memory: At least 1 GB free space
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A guide to installing the game on mobile is linked in the tweet below. A video tutorial is also available, linked to the official guide, but also as a reply to the tweet below.

Meanwhile, Derby Stars PvP Season 2 is currently underway and is scheduled to start near the end of last month and end at 09:00 UTC on September 6th.

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