DeFi Kingdoms reveals Serendale 1.0 Shutdown Plan, releases Gardening Quests in Crystalvale

The closure of the Harmony version of the game is planned in five different phases, the last of which will be completed on October 5. Avalanche‘s version of the cross-chain game Crystalvale now has gardening missions that allow players to send up to two heroes to each pool for tokens and items.

The developers of DeFi Kingdom have revealed plans for the closure of Serendale 1.0 on the Harmony Network and announced the release of Gardening Missions on Crystalvale.

After announcing Serendale’s move from the Harmony network to the Klaytn network, the team recently tweeted out the closure plan for the former network, which is divided into five phases.  The second phase was completed on September 14, which means closing the draws, career missions, training missions and wishing wells, as well as starting to close the meditation circle and setting the withdrawal fee for the garden to zero. The third phase will be completed on September 21, eliminating meditation circles, summons, item trading, etc. The final phase will end on October 5. For the full closure plan, check out the tweet below, which also mentions that more details and reminders will be released as time goes on.

While this shutdown is in full swing, the developer has simultaneously released Gardening Quests in the Crystal Valley realm, which is Avalanche’s version of cross-chain play. These quests can be found in the Career Quests area, where players can find an NPC called Greenskeeper Sivia with whom they can interact to obtain quests. As in the case of Salendale, players send heroes to the garden to earn items and tokens, the difference is that in Crystal Valley it is possible to send 2 heroes to each pool, the first earning CRYSTAL dollars while the second earns JEWEL dollars. Various rare items are also possible to obtain, including milkweed, green pet eggs and more.

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