Civitas Announces Character Mint

Although they recently launched an alpha version of a game called Machines Arena on Steam, the Civitas team is back to their main game and preparing for their first character, Mint. The minting event will start on October 4 with two character types, several archetypes, a whitelist minting event, and a Dutch auction

Civitas characters are unique, curated, profile picture type NFTs that also exist as fully animated 3D game models. These character NFTs play a role in the game and also offer a number of out-of-game rewards. These rewards include early game access, airdrops, and the potential for future whitelists. During the game, players assign characters to plots, use them to enhance buildings, or send them out on missions and events.

Character Mint

Civitas’ first Character Mint focused on their newly discovered character, the so-called Chosen One. There are five archetypes of the Chosen One, although we have only seen one of them, the warrior Zora. All in all, there will be 4,800 characters for sale, including 350 shamans (the first 50 shamans were given away in a contest).

The sale kicks off at the Dutch auction on October 4. The mint price started at 4ETH. Over the next 48 hours, the price dropped. It dropped rapidly at first, but leveled off after a while and finally settled at 0.3 ETH at the end of the round. a maximum of 3 NFTs could be minted per wallet.

Following the Dutch auction was the whitelist mint. For those who entered Civitas Discord very early and got the OG Nomad or Primigenius Discord role, there is a special whitelist signup page. Those on the whitelist can get a mint for 0.25 ETH. Whitelist sales last 24 hours. The Civitas team is also running other contests for whitelist spots, so follow them on Twitter and join their Discord for a chance to win.

Civitas Announces Character Mint

Any characters left after that NFT will go into a 24-hour public sale for 0.3 ETH.

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It’s unclear if all NFTs will be available during the Dutch auction, or if the releases of the different archetypes will be staggered in some way. Hopefully we’ll get more information on this in the coming weeks.

The Civitas team also plans to give out random prizes to miners, including a trip to Iceland! You can see the details of these prizes on the website. You can see these details on the official Mint page.

What is Civitas?

Civitas is a cooperative, competitive, multiplayer city-building game. Players group up in cities, build buildings on their plots, harvest goods, engage in augmented reality experiences to find special resources, and cooperate with other players to make their cities the biggest and best!

Players collect resources, build buildings and craft items on their plots. They can also experience the world through an augmented reality app on their phones. the AR feature opens up mini-games and the opportunity to find unique resources. The game will be free, although to be involved in the management and decision making of your city, you will need to own a piece of land.

Civitas Announces Character Mint

Each city functions as a mini-DAO, called a subDAo in the Civitas white paper, where players vote on various management options in their city. While there is no direct PvP in Civitas, there will be leaderboards and competitive bragging rights. Each city has a tower that the residents of that city can visit. Inside they will find statistics and information about their city, as well as potential missions and other business related to DAO.

Civitas has unique PFP NFTs that can also be used as avatars for 3D games. It will also have its own token, called CITI.

Civitas expects to have something to show us at the end of this year (2022).

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