Big Time Game Prepares for Cash Prize Tournament

Big Time Game is one of the trending play-and-earn games with a free version.

  • Tournament at the end of August coming for Big Time Game.
  • The game is one of the high-ranked products with an open free version.
  • Big Time Game offers mix of battle and sandbox features.

Big Time Game is an MMORPG aiming to give anyone access to NFT while offering a gaming experience. Big Time Game is rising to the more noticeable P2E products, with a strategy of active social media communication. 

Big Time Game brings in a world of desolation where science fiction and magic overlap. Heroes need to level up and face the challenges. The upcoming tournament will require a minimum of 15 levels to compete successfully. Game Heroes have a set of specific skills, which can be wrapped in a Pocket Watch device. 

Holding Pocket Watch devices means each player can swap classes and skills. In addition to battle and tournament modes, Big Time Game has the Space feature where players can build a metaverse base. The game is also added to guilds with an eye on future player growth.

The battle environments change for each game with an AI providing a mix of experiences and environments.

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Big Time Game Tournament: Still Open for Registration

Big Time Game has opened registration for its upcoming tournament on August 27-28, with a $10K prize pool.

The game built up its onboarding process with a Ruby Pass, an NFT giving access to early adopters. Game registrations will be open until Sunday through .

Big Time Game can start as a free-to-play for anyone, with no explicit requirement to buy items. Users can choose to mint some of their game items as NFT, adding an earnings element. The game includes various tiers of NFT passes to offer a premium onboarding experience in addition to the freely available game. 

Big Time Game has been highly active since the spring of 2022, when most of its batches of access-driven NFT were launched. Passes fetched 2K ETH in trading volumes and 1,500 owners. For now, the in-game items are not actively traded on OpenSea.

Big Time Game is bult by a dedicated team, tapping experts from the gaming industry. The team brings combined experience from working on games like Fortnite, Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty.

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